Did you know what are the Top Ten Rivers in the World?
Nile River |
1. Did you know that the Nile river in Africa is the largest river in the world , it is 4,180 miles long?
Amazon River |
2. Did you know that the Amazon River in South America is 3,912 miles long?
Mississippi River |
3. Did you know that theMississippi River in the United States is the 3rd longest river in the world, it is 3,710 miles long?
Chang Jiang River |
4. Did you know that the Chang Jiang River (Yangtze) in China is 3,602 miles long?
OB River |
Did you know that 3 of the longest rivers in the world are in Russia?
5. Did you know that the Ob River in Russia is 3,459 miles long?
Huang Ho River |
6. Did you know that the Huang Ho River (Yellow) in China is 2,900 miles long?
Yenisei River |
Did you know that the Yenisei River in Russia is 2,800 miles long?
Parana River | |
8. Did you know that the Parana River in South America is 2,795 miles long?
Irtish River |
9. Did you know that the Irtish River in Russia is 2,758 miles long?
Zaire River | |
10. Did you know that the Zaire River in the Congo is 2,716 feet long?

Now if you didn't know, now you know...