Did you know that by using the bi-weekly payment plan that you can pay off your debt faster?
Did you know that by using the bi-weekly payment it allows you to pay 13 payments instead of 12?
Did you know that paying on a monthly basis is not a big change, but that one extra payment a year can save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars in interest over the life of the loan?

Did you know that when you pay more money towards the principal amount of the loan that your lower the effective interest rate of the loan?
Did you know that if you apply the bi-weekly payment plan to your auto, or student loans that you can pay them off sooner as well?
Did you know that if you started out with a 7% interest rate that you can lower your interest rate by paying more towards principal?
Did you know that
Set To Go Loans provided the information about bi-weekly payments?
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Did you know that a ARM Mortgage is an Adjustable Rate Mortgage?
Did you know that there are several types of ARM Mortgages?

Did you know that
Set To Go Loans offers Loans Programs for people with little or no Credit on Commercial and Residential Property?
Did you know that the 2 year ARM is usually a Loan product offered to people with average credit.
Did you know that the 5 year ARM is a Loan Product offered to people with above average credit?
Did you know that the 7 year Arm is the longest time frame offered to people with Above Average credit?
Did you know that the main reason that Consumers choose a ARM over a Fixed Interest Rate Loan is because the ARM Interest Rate is 1 to 2 points lower?

Did you know that a ARM can make adjustments monthly, every six months or yearly?
Did you know that a ARM has a Cap Rate?
Did you know that a ARM Cap Rate is set by the lending Institution that the rate can not go over 3 points of the original
Did you know that just like the ARM Rate can go up if the Prime Rate goes up, the Arm Interest Rate can also go down?
Did you know if the Lender says that you can qualify for a rate 2 over prime, then you put the prime interest rate in (4%) and you had to points 2 it and your interest rate would be 6%?

Did you know that in the U.S the Prime Interest Rate runs approximately 300 basis points (or percentage points) above the Federal Fund Rates?
Did you know that Prime Interest Rate is the interest rate that banks charge each other for overnight loans made to fulfill reserve funding requirements?
Did you know that
Set To Go Loans can answer any questions that you have about ARMS?
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Did you know that putting Colgate on a pimple will bring it to a head?

Did you know that if you have a stubborn boil on your leg, neck or arm that if you apply Campho-Phenique will draw it to a head?
Did you know that
Boils are often caused by infected hair follicles?
Did you know that A boil can become large and cause severe pain?
Did you know that Boils most often happen where there is hair rubbing and create Bacteria from the infection form an abscess, or pocket of pus?
Did you know that if you have a stubborn boil or pimple that refuses to leave that a coke bottle can get rid of it in minutes?
Did you know that if you fill the 20oz coke bottle with water and put in the microwave for 2 minutes and unscrew the cap and pour out the water and immediately place on the boil or pimple that it will bring it to a head immediately?
Did you know that because you pour out the out water it creates a vacuum and the bottle will suck on the boil and bring it to a head?
Did you know that after 2 minutes when you remove the bottle from the boil it will have a head and with a little pressure it will gush out!
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Did you know that the ABA routing number is a 9-digit identification number assigned to financial institutions by The American Bankers Association (ABA)?
Did you know that this number identifies the financial institution upon which a payment is drawn?
Did you know that routing numbers are sometimes referred to as "check routing numbers", "ABA
numbers", or "routing transit numbers" (RTN)?
Did you know that your Bank Wiring routing Number is different from your routing number?
Did you know that Routing numbers may differ depending on where your account was opened and the type of transaction made?
Did you know that Routing numbers depend on the type of transaction?
Did you know that a Paper Transactions orders checks?
Did you know that an Electronic transactions will
set up direct deposits (e.g. to receive paychecks or IRS refunds); make outgoing payments to other financial institutions?
Did you know that a Wire transfers receives incoming domestic or international wire transfers?
Did you know that the Automated Clearing House (ACH) is an electronic payment delivery system which allows you to make payments or collect funds electronically through the ACH network?
Did you know that (ACH) can help you take advantage of the speed and efficiency of electronic payments
and collections available through the ACH network, giving you better control over the timing of payments that post to your bank account(s)?
ACH transactions are usually next-day entries when exchanged with other financial institutions. ACH functions include direct deposits and check conversions from paper to electronic.
For ACH transactions, please use the routing number for electronic transactions.
Did you know PayPal
is an American, international
digital wallet based
e-commerce business allowing payments and money transfers to be made through the Internet?
Did you know that PayPal is one of the world's largest internet payment companies?
Did you know that PayPal operates as an
acquirer, performing payment processing for online vendors,
auction sites and other commercial users, for which it charges a fee?
Did you know that PayPal was Established in 1998
Did you know that PayPal (
PYPL) had its
IPO in 2002, and became a wholly owned subsidiary of
eBay later that year?
Did you know that in 2013, PayPal moved $180 billion in 26 currencies across 193 nations, generating a total revenue of $6.6 billion (41% of eBay’s total profits)?
Did you know that in 2014, eBay announced plans to spin-off PayPal into an independent company the
following year?
Now if you didn't know, now you know...
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