Did you know 2

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Did you know that a zebra is white with black stripes.

Did you know that moths have no stomach?

Did you know that Hummingbirds can't walk?

Did you know that Sea otters have 2 coats of fur?

Did you know that a starfish can turn its stomach inside out?


Did you know that a zebra is white with black stripes?

Did you know that the first website was created in 1991?
Did you know that the world's largest snowflake on record was recorded in Montana in 1887?
Did you know that the world's largest desert is the Saharra desert?



Now if you didn't know, 

now you know...                                         

To see more did you know that trivia click here

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Did you know that Most people blink about 17,000 times a day?

Did you know that:

Muscles are made up of bundles from about 5 in the eyelid to about 200 in the buttock muscle.

Muscles in the human body (640 in total) make up about half of the body weight.

The human body has enough fat to produce 7 bars of soap.

The human head is a quarter of our total length at birth, but only an eighth of our total length by the time we reach adulthood.

Most people blink about 17,000 times a day.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Did you know 15 million blood cells are produced and destroyed in the human body every second?

Did you know that:

15 million blood cells are produced and destroyed in the human body every second.

Every minute, 30-40,000 dead skin cells fall from your body.

The brain uses more than 25% of the oxygen used by the human body.

If your mouth was completely dry, you would not be able to distinguish the taste of anything.

There are more living organisms on the skin of a single human being than there are human beings on the surface of the earth.

greatest come back ever

Did you know these nine word that women use?

(1) Fine: This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.

(2) Five Minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

(3) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.

(4) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!

(5) Loud Sigh: This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to # 3 for the meaning of nothing.)

(6) That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.

(7) Thanks : A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you're welcome. (I want to add in a clause here - This is true, unless she says 'Thanks a lot' - that is PURE sarcasm and she is not thanking you at all. DO NOT say 'you're welcome' . that will bring on a 'whatever').

(8) Whatever: Is a woman's way of saying Forget YOU! I don't give a shit.....Lol

(9) Don't worry about it, I got it: Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking 'What's wrong?' For the woman's response refer to # 3.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Did you know that the human brain is 80% water?

Did you know that :

Only humans sleep on their backs.

The human brain is 80% water.

Everyone's tongue print is different.

As an adult, you have more than 20 square feet of skin on your body--about the same square footage as a blanket for a queen-sized bed.

In your lifetime, you'll shed over 40 pounds of skin.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Did you know that a cat's jaws cannot move sideways?

Did you know that?

A cat's jaws cannot move sideways.

Armadillos get an average of 18.5 hours of sleep per day.

Armadillos can walk underwater.

There are more beetles than any other kind of creature in the world.

Certain frogs that can survive the experience of being frozen.

Did you Know

Did you know that the average human brain contains approximately 86 billion neurons? These remarkable cells form intricate networks, allowing us to think, feel, and experience the world around us. Each neuron communicates with others through electrical impulses, creating a symphony of thoughts, memories, and emotions. So next time you ponder life’s mysteries, remember that your brain is orchestrating a cosmic dance of neurons!