Did You Know This

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Did you know that depression is?

Did you know that depression is an illness that causes a person to feel sad and hopeless much of the time?It is different from normal feelings of sadness, grief, or low energy.

Did you know that anyone can have depression? It often runs in families. But it can also happen to someone who doesn't have a family history of depression. You can have depression one time or many times.

Did you know what causes depression? The causes of depression are not entirely understood. Things that may trigger depression include:

Did you know that these major events help create stress?

Childbirth or a death in the family.
Illnesses, such as arthritis, heart disease, or cancer.
Certain medicines, such as steroids or narcotics for pain relief.
Drinking alcohol or using illegal drugs.

These and other factors can cause certain brain chemicals to get out of balance. As soon as the imbalance is corrected, symptoms of depression generally go away.

Did you know that these are the symptoms?

Have trouble concentrating, remembering, and making decisions.
Have changes in their eating and sleeping habits.
Lose interest in things they enjoyed before they were depressed.
Have feelings of guilt and hopelessness, wondering if life is worth living.
Think a lot about death or suicide.
Complain about problems that don't have a physical cause, such as headache and stomachache.

Did you know how depression is treated?

Depression is usually treated with counseling or antidepressant medicine, or both. It sometimes takes a few tries to find the right treatment, and it can take several weeks for the medicine to start working. Try to be patient and stay with your treatment.
If you have mild or moderate depression, you may be diagnosed and treated by your family doctor and a therapist or psychologist.

Did you know that women have depression twice as often as men. But men are more likely to commit suicide because of depressionSeparated or divorced people, especially men, are more likely than married people to become depressed.

Did you know that people who have a serious illness are more likely to have depression.

Did you know that you should Learn the warning signs of suicide?

So if you see them in a loved one, get help fast.
Planning to, or saying they want to, kill themselves or someone else.
Having a way to commit suicide, such as having a gun.
Being out of touch with reality, having severe anxiety, or thinking they hear voices giving them commands.
Using alcohol or drugs, especially in large amounts.
Talking, writing, or drawing about death. This includes writing suicide notes and talking about items that can cause physical harm, such as pills, guns, or knives.
Spending long periods of time alone.
Acting mean and aggressive, or suddenly acting calm.
If a suicide threat seems real, with a specific plan and a way to carry it out, the following guidelines may help:
Call 911 , a suicide hotline, or the police.
Stay with the person, or ask someone you trust to stay with the person, until the crisis has passed.

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