Did you know 2

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Did you know that the the average driver will be locked out of their car nine times?

Hyperpolysyllabicomania is a fondness for big words.

If you suffer from geophagia then you have a compulsive urge to eat soil.

There are more mobile phones in UK than there are people.

The average driver will be locked out of their car nine times during their life time (yes, men are in the stats).

Hong Kong has the world's largest double-decker tram fleet in the world

The words silent and listen have the same letters. Santa and Satan do too

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Did you Know

Did you know that the average human brain contains approximately 86 billion neurons? These remarkable cells form intricate networks, allowing us to think, feel, and experience the world around us. Each neuron communicates with others through electrical impulses, creating a symphony of thoughts, memories, and emotions. So next time you ponder life’s mysteries, remember that your brain is orchestrating a cosmic dance of neurons!