Did You Know This

Monday, September 21, 2009

Did you know that NBA ref and MLB ump are the highes paid officials?

Did you know that:

NBA refs and MLB umps are the highest paid paid ref making between 100K-300K a year?

NFL officials are on the low end of the pay scale at 25K - 75K a year. but not is not bad change for a part time job. 16 games a year, a one week break in between, and all three get other perks as well. College officials make from about $100 a game up to about $1000 a game, with travel and expenses.

Being paid these amounts is meant to eliminate biases and to call a fair and even game. While this is true 99.9% of the time, there have been exceptions. Most officials just enjoy the competition, the exercise, and yes the pay. Very few go in with a big S on their chest and want the spotlight on them. Some people the ref encountered officiated at little league levels and mentioned they have done it a few times to fill in or just tried it to see if they could hack it. All agreed that their calls can make or break a game.

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