Did You Know This

Monday, September 28, 2009

Did you know that the Pit Bull is responsible for more fatal dog attacks in 2008?

Did you know that Between January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2008,
DogsBite.org recorded 88 U.S. fatal dog attacks.

Did you know that pit bulls are responsible for 59% (52) of these attacks.

Did you know that pit bulls commit the vast majority of off-property
attacks that result in death.

Did you know that Pit bulls are also more likely to kill an adult than a child. In the 3- year period, pit bulls killed more adults (ages 21 and over), 54%,
than they did children (ages 11 and younger), 46%. In the age category of 21-54, pit bulls were responsible for 82% (14) of the deaths. Pit bulls do not only kill children and senior citizens, they kill men and women in their prime years: 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s.

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