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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Did you know the 25 Hottest Urban Legends

25 Hottest Urban Legends

This page compiles the 25 urban legends currently circulating most widely, as determined by frequency of access, user searches, reader e-mail, and media coverage.

Saturday, November 28, 2009
    Postcard / Greeting Card Virus
  1. Warning about a computer virus masquerading as a postcard from a friend or family member.
  2. Free Laptops from Sony Ericsson
  3. Message promises consumers can receive free laptop computers from Ericsson for forwarding an e-mail to their friends.
  4. WalMart Cash Back Scam
  5. Warning about cash back charges being surreptitiously placed on WalMart customers' credit cards.
  6. Presidential Eligibility Lawsuit
  7. Claim that a federal judge has ordered Barack Obama to prove his eligibility for the U.S. presidency in court.
  8. Cell Phone Directory and Telemarketers
  9. Warning that cell phone numbers are about to be given to telemarketers.
  10. #77 or *677 Cell Phone Notification
  11. Advisory about contacting police by calling #77 (or *677) on a cell phone.
  12. Nidal Hasan
  13. Claim that accused Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan was an advisor to a presidential Homeland Security team.
  14. Veterans Day Photo
  15. Photograph shows President Obama during a 2009 Veterans Day ceremony.
  16. Target Stores
  17. Message from Vietnam vet claims Target stores do not support veterans.
  18. Osama bin Laden Hanged
  19. Warning about 'Osama Captured/Hanged' computer virus.
  20. Michelle Obama's Staff
  21. Claim that First Lady Michelle Obama has an unprecedented number of staffers working for her.
  22. Noah Biorkman
  23. Request for Christmas cards for Noah Biorkman, a 5-year-old boy battling cancer.
  24. 809 Area Code Scam
  25. Warning about scammers' sending pages from the 809 area code.
  26. Muslim EID Stamp
  27. U.S. postage stamp commemorates Islamic holidays.
  28. Onions vs. Swine Flu
  29. Claim that onions placed about the home will fight off the flu virus.
  30. Ben Stein's Confessions for the Holidays
  31. Actor/writer Ben Stein's commentary on the observance of Christmas.
  32. Let's Say Thanks
  33. Xerox-sponsored web sites allows the public to send free postcards to U.S. troops.
  34. Mail Server Report
  35. Information about the "Mail Server Report" computer virus.
  36. UPS/FedEx/DHL Virus
  37. E-mailed computer virus masquerades as parcel company's delivery failure notification.
  38. Letter to Nancy Pelosi
  39. Letter from North Carolina lawyer criticizes Rep. Nancy Pelosi.
  40. Code Grabbers
  41. Warning about thieves armed with "code grabbers" breaking into cars by recording signals sent from remote keyless entry devices.
  42. Write-In Candidate Platform
  43. Comedian Bill Cosby's purported platform as a write-in candidate.
  44. Muslims Out of Australia!
  45. Article compiles statements from Australian government officials about Sharia law and Muslim extremists.
  46. We Noticed
  47. Message lists criticisms of Barack Obama noticed by the public.
  48. Petition to Ban Religious Programming
  49. E-mail petition #2493 from Dr. James Dobson protests proposed ban on religious broadcasting.

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