Did You Know This

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Did you know that a Chinese Craftsman Buildt a Functional Bicycle from over 10,000 Popsicle Sticks?

Did you know that it took Sun Chao four long months to finish it?

Did you know that the 35-year-old Sun Chao says it’s smaller than the average bicycle, but works just as well?

Did you know that the wooden wheels don’t provide the comfort of air-inflated ones, but Sun Chao still rode it for 20 minutes, when he unveiled it in the city square, on June 1?

Did you know that the bicycle weighed  90 kg , but the popsicle stick bike easily handled the weight?

Did you know that the only metal parts used on this unusual bicycle were the chain and bearings?

Did you know that Sun Chao says first became interested in working with wooden popsicle sticks 12 years ago, after seeing a guy make a ship model from them and giving it to his girlfriend, on TV?

Now if you didn't know, now you know...

To see more did you know that trivia click here

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