Did You Know This

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Did you now that the doctors reduced Manihuari chest from a N cup to a 34B cup, in a six-hour operation?

Julia Manihuari was left bedbound for six months after her breasts grew to an N cup
Did you know that a mother-of-four  was left bedbound for six months because of her N cup breasts had made it impossible to move?

Did you know that Julia Manihuari's had to have an operation to remove two-and-a-half stone of flesh from her chest?

Did you know that Manihuari said that her breast were so big that they were were touching her legs?

Did you know that Manihuari, 29, said that her N cup breast were so heavy that when she would try to get up she would get light headed and faint?

During a six-hour operation last month, doctors reduced Mrs Manihuari's chest to a 34B cup
Did you know that local media help and paid for her to take a three-day boat journey to the nearest town to seek medical help?

Did you know that Doctors at the Loayza Archbishop Hospital were worried the weight of her chest could crush her lungs and kill her?
 Did you now that the doctors reduced Manihuari chest from a N cup to a 34B cup, in a six-hour operation?


Now if you didn't know, now you know...

To see more did you know that trivia click here

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