Did you know that Henry Hays was the first white person executed for following orders from the KKK to murder a black citizen in Alabama since 1913?
Did you know that Hays was executed in Alabama electric chair Yellow Mama after Governor Fob James refused to commute his sentence, Hays was 42 years old at the time of his execution?
Did you know that Donald's mother, Beulah Mae Donald, in assistance of the Southern Poverty Law Center, sued United Klans of America in a civil suit?

Did you know that Beulah Mae Donald law suit resulted in the Klan handing over all its assets including its national headquarters in Tuscaloosa?
Did you know that she sold the Klan building for $52,000 and bought a home?
Did you know that Beulah Died a year and a half later, she was 67?
Now if you didn't know, now you know...
To see more did you know that trivia click here
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