Did You Know This

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Did you know that ED or Erectile dysfunction is when a man has trouble achieving an erection?

 Did you know that Erectile dysfunction or (ED) is sexual dysfunction characterized by the inability to develop or maintain an erection of the penis during sexual performance?

Did you know that penile erection is the hydraulic effect of blood entering and being retained in sponge-like bodies within the penis?

 Did you know that ED or Erectile dysfunction is when a man has trouble achieving an erection?

 Did you know that Psychological impotence is where erection or penetration fails due to thoughts or feelings (psychological reasons) rather than physical impossibility?

Did you know that exercise, especially aerobic exercise is an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction?

 Did you know that  (Viagra), vardenafil (Levitra) and tadalafil (Cialis) are prescription drugs which are taken orally which helps to block the symptoms of ED?

Did you know that the last resort for treatments for ED is prosthetic implants which involves the insertion of artificial rods into the penis?

 Now if you didn't know, now you know...

To see more did you know that trivia click here


  1. The link between erectile dysfunction and obesity is very strong. Before doing anything else, you may want to start doing aerobic exercises at least two to three times per week. Even a small decrease in your weight can produce serious improvements when it comes to the quality of your sex life.

    Many people believe mistakenly that cardio is all about going to the gym and running on the treadmill. If you don’t like the gym, you can choose among a vast range of alternative possibilities. deep extenze website


  2. But as any older man will attest to, testosterone levels drop as they age since it is a natural sign of aging. The drop starts beginning at 30 years old by approximately 1 percent per year – truly, a negligible figure but when these add up, the drop can be significant and its effect can be devastating for not a few men.

    Fortunately, good news is in the horizon for men who want to get their dropping testosterone levels up – you can use natural testosterone-boosting supplements like PRO Testosterone (full review will be shortly) as well as adopt a healthier diet, exercise and lifestyle program. trustworthy vigrx plus site

  3. Boosting semen is something a great many men would like to do, but do not know how to do so. Many are under the impression they are stuck with their natural production, which might not be what they are happy with. Upon learning about the availability of semen enhancement pills, a glimmer of hope appears.

    The glimmer of hope, unfortunately, can turn into a cloud of confusion. There isn’t just one or two semen enhancement pills on the market. thorough vigrx plus website


  4. No one wants to see their HGH levels become lowered. However, HGH production is going to decrease as you getting older. The metabolism is not going to maintain the same speed as a person ages. full genf20 plus site


  5. Let’s start with the most important thing first – natural size increase is possible. There’s sufficient clinical evidence that high quality natural enhancement products for men can deliver results. The big question that remains is how to choose the ideal product.

    Natural male enhancement products come in all shapes and sizes – there are size increase pills, penis extenders, pumps, creams and even patches. You will first have to pick the product category that appeals the most to you. helpful vigrx plus review

  6. Sildenafil Citrate 50mg is good effective pill for men. Cenforce 50mg used for Erectile Dysfunction in men. Buy Sildenafil Citrate 50mg Online for online Store.


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