Did You Know This

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Did you know that there has been more assassination attemps made on President Barack Obama than any other President?

President Richard Nixon

Did you know that President Richard Nixon had 2 different people attempt to assassinate him while he was in office?

Arthur Bremer
Did you know that April 13, 1972: Arthur Bremer carried a firearm to an event intending to shoot Nixon,

Did you know that Bremer a few weeks later, shot and seriously injured Governor of Alabama George Wallace which left Wallace paralyzed, for the remainder of his life?

Samuel Byck
Did you know that on February 22, 1974 Samuel Byck planned to kill Nixon by crashing a commercial White House?[21]
airliner into the

Did you know that Byck tried to hijacked the plane on the ground by force by shooting the pilot and copilot?

Did you know an officer shot Byck through the plane's door window and he turned the gun on him self?

Did you know that President  Gerald Ford had 2 different people attempt to assassinate him while he was in office?

Lynette Fromme
Did you know that on September 5, 1975 Lynette Fromme on the northern grounds of the California State Capitol,  drew a Colt M1911 .45 caliber pistol on Ford when he reached to shake her hand in a crowd?
Did you know that Fromme was a follower of Charles Manson?
Did you know that Fromme was sentenced to life in prison, but was released from custody on August 14, 2009 (2 years and 8 months after Ford's death)?[22]

Sara Jane Moore
Did you know that September 22, 1975 Sara Jane Moore fired a revolver at Ford from 40 feet (12 m) San Francisco, California?[23]
away in
Oliver Sipple

Did you know that a bystander, Oliver Sipple, grabbed Moore's arm [24]
and the shot missed Ford?
Did you know that Moore was sentenced to life in prison?[25]  
Did you know that Moore was paroled from a federal prison on December 31, 2007 after serving more than 30 years. (It was more than a year after Ford's natural death.)?

Did you know that Jimmy Carter had 1 person attempt to assassinate him while

Jimmy Carter

he was in office?

Raymond Lee Harvey
Did you know that Raymond Lee Harvey was an Ohio-born unemployed American drifter who was  arrested by the Secret Service after being found carrying a starter pistol with blank rounds, ten minutes President Jimmy Carter was to give a speech at the Civic Center Mall in Los Angeles on May 5, 1979?
Did you know that Harvey was never charged with anything due lack of evidence?[29]
Ronald Regan

Did you know that Ronald Reagan had 1 person attempted to assassinate him while he was in office?

Did you know that On March 30, 1981, John Hinckley, Jr.. had shot President Reagan and three other men?
Did you know that Hinckley claimed to have wanted to kill the president to impress the teen actress Jodie Foster?

Did you know that Hinckley wasdeemed mentally ill and was confined to an institution?

 Did you know that besides Reagan, White House Press Secretary James Brady, Secret Service agent Tim McCarthy, and D.C. police officer Thomas Delahanty were also wounded in the attack?

Did you know that all three survived, but Brady suffered brain damage and was permanently disabled?

George H. W. Bush

Did you know that George H. W. Bush had had one group of people attempt to assassinate him after he had left office?

Did you know that on April 13, 1993 after Bush left the White House, fourteen men believed to be working for Saddam Hussein smuggled bombs into Kuwait to assassinate former president Bush by a car bomb during his visit to Kuwait University several months after he had left office?[30] 



 Did you know that President Bill Clinton had 3 different attempts to assassinate him while he was in office?

Bill Clinton

Did you know that on January 21, 1994 Ronald Gene Barbour, a retired military officer and freelance writer, plotted to kill Clinton while the President was jogging?

Ronald Gene Barbour
Did you know that Barbour was sentenced to five years in prison and was released in 1998?

Frank Eugene Corder 
Did you know that September 12, 1994 Frank Eugene Corder flew a stolen single-engine Cessna onto the White House lawn and crashed into a tree?
Did you know that Corder, was killed in the crash?
Frank Eugene Corder

Did you know that October 29, 1994 Francisco Martin Duran fired at least 29 shots with a semi-automatic rifle at the White House from a fence overlooking the north lawn, thinking that Clinton was among the men in dark suits standing there ?
Did you know that three tourists, Harry Rakosky, Ken Davis and Robert Haines, tackled Duran before he could injure anyone?
Did you know that Duran was sentenced to 40 years in prison?[36]

Did you know that George W. Bush had 2 different people attempt to

George W. Bush

assassinate him while he was in office?

Did you know that on February 7, 2001 President George W. Bush was in the White House, Robert Pickett
Robert Pickett

stood outside the fence and shot several times toward the building.?
Did you know that according to CNN correspondent Eileen O'Connor, the police confiscated a sophisticated handgun that could have reached the White House if the angle was not obstructed?

Did you know that ourt in July 2001 sentenced Pickett to three years imprisonment in connection with the incident?
Did you know May 10, 2005 while President George W. Bush was giving a speech in the Freedom Square in Tbilisi, Georgia, Vladimir Arutyunian threw a live Soviet-made RGD-5 hand grenade toward the podium?
Vladimir Arutyunian
Did you know that the grenade was live and had its pin pulled, but did not explode because a red tartan handkerchief was wrapped tightly around it and delayed the firing pin?[38] 
Did you know that Arutyunian escaped after the attempt that day but was arrested on July 2005?
Did you know that Arutyunian was convicted on January 2006, and he was given a life sentence?[39][40]

President Obama

Did you know that more attempts have been made to assassinate President Obama than any other President?

Did you know that  in Denver. Cousins Tharin Gartrell and Shawn Adolf, and their friend Nathan Johnson, went to Denver allegedly planning to assassinate Obama during his acceptance speech at the 2008?
Tharin Gartrell and Shawn Adolf, and their friend Nathan Johnson 
Did you know that a fourth attempt in Tennessee involved two white supremacists, Paul Schlesselman and Daniel Cowart, who planned to drive their car toward the Democratic nominee Obama and open fire with guns and kill the President?[50][51]
 Did you know that the Schlesselman and Cowart were were arrested on October 22, 2008?
Did you know that Schlesselman and Cowart

pleaded guilty to federal charges related to the threat in 2010 and were sentenced to 10 and 14 years in prison, respectively?[50][52][53]

Did you know that several attempts to assassinate the President with letters laced with ricin,  was sent to President Obama?[54]

Did you know that the most recent attempt on the President was made in June 2013?
 10 Mind blowing facts about the assassination attempts on then PresidentObama they never told you about!

Now if you didn't know, now you know...

To see more did you know that trivia click here

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