Did You Know This

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Did you know that you can establish your credit with a secure loan?

Did you know that the easiest way that you can establish or build  credit is with a secured loan?

Did you know that if you have $500 dollars that you can go to the bank and use your money as collateral and get a
loan against it?

 Did you know that the bank will put your funds in escrow and give you a loan for that money?

Did you know that while the money is in escrow that you will draw interest on it?

Did you know that once the loan is paid off that your money will be released and you will now have
$500 dollars in your bank account, and will have established credit as well?

Did you know that you can build credit with a Co-signer?

Did you know that if you make early payments on a loan that it helps build your credit?

Did you know that if you have a $1,000 dollar credit limit that you should never exceed 40% of that max amount?

Did you know that if you exceed over 45% of your max level on credit that it has a significant negative impact on your credit?

Did you know that after 7 years that anything on your credit will drop off, and can no longer be reported?

Did you know that after 10 years that a Bankruptcy will drop off your credit?

Did you know that if you had 3 months of late payments, but then have 3 months of good payments that it will again make your credit score go up?

Did you know that building credit is like climbing steps, its a process and it takes time and effort?

Did you know that many people pay all there bills with cash and wonder why they do not have a credit score.

Did you know that credit is built on your ability to stay in debt and continuously pay your bills on time?


 Now if you didn't know, now you know...

To see more did you know that trivia click here

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