Did You Know This

Friday, November 10, 2017

Did you know that many people confuse Memorial Day with Veterans Day?

Did you know that Veterans Day, a holiday honoring men and women who have served in the US armed forces?

Did you know that Veterans Day, is Celebrated annually on November 11th, the anniversary of the end of World War I?
Did you know that there are 18.5 million veterans in the United States, according to the most recent statistics available?
Did you know that there are 1.6 million female veterans?
Did you know that there are 9.2 million veterans over the age of 65?
President Woodrow Wilson

Did you know that November 11, 1918 was the the armistice ending World War I begins at 11 am?
Did you know that 1919 President Woodrow Wilson proclaims November 11 as Armistice Day?
Did you know that on November 11, 1921 - The first Unknown Soldier is reburied at Arlington National Cemetery. The tomb has the words inscribed, "Here rests in honored glory An American Soldier Known but to God, and Every year on November 11, the president or a high-ranking member of the government lays a wreath on his grave?
Berna Brown visits the grave of her husband on Veterans Day -- Monday, November 11 -- at Fort Logan National Cemetery in Denver. Robert E. Brown served in World War II, Korea and Vietnam.
Arlington National Cemetery.
Did you know that May 13, 1938  Armistice Day becomes a federal holiday?
Did you know that June 1, 1954  President Dwight Eisenhower signs a bill changing Armistice Day to Veterans Day in order to include all US veterans?
Did you know May 30, 1958 Unknown Soldiers from World War II and the Korean War are reburied next to the Unknown Soldier from World War I?
Did you know that in 1968 - Congress changes the date of Veterans Day to the fourth Monday in October in order to give federal employees a three-day weekend and the change began in 1971?
President Gerald Ford
Did you know that September 25, 1975 President Gerald Ford changes the date of Veterans Day back to November 11and the change begans in 1978?
Did you know that May 28, 1984 an unknown soldier from the Vietnam War is reburied in Arlington National Cemetery?

Did you know back in 1998, Michael Blassie, a 24-year-old pilot who was shot down in 1972 on the border of Cambodia was finally identified through DNA tests?

Did you know that Disney made films during World War II, for each branch of the United States government?

Did you know that approximately 90% of Disney employees worked in the making of propaganda and training videos during World War II?

Did you know that Veterans Day falls on the same day as Remembrance Day and Armistice Day in other countries?

Did you know that there is not supposed to be an apostrophe in Veterans Day although  Still some spell it Veteran’s Day or Veterans’ Day?

Did you know that Raymond Weeks, a World War II veteran came up with the idea to honor all veterans on November 11, not just the ones who died in World War I?

Did you know that in a 2009 report, there were estimated to be 21.9 million veterans?

Did you know that the median income for veterans in 2009 was approximately $35,000 a year?

Did you know than many people confuse Memorial Day with Veterans Day?

 Did you know Memorial Day is primarily remembered for those who died during their service to our
Memorial Day
country, particularly ones who died as a result of battle?

 Did you know that Veterans Day is to acknowledge primarily all those served in the military, either during wartime or peacetime?

Did you know that some schools close on Veterans Day and some stay open but there is no legal requirement for a school to close or to stay open, as individual schools districts or states are free to establish their own policies?

 Did you know that the word veteran comes from the nomenclature of the old English language, meaning old, experienced soldier?

Did you know that the first use of the word, veteran came to use in 1789, in the English language when referring a former member of the armed forces or an ex-serviceman, of course the extended meaning of the word goes back to someone who has served a longtime in any position?

Did you that California has more U.S. military veterans than any other state?

Did you know that I enjoyed finding these fun facts about Veterans Day and for all those veterans out there, living or dead, I was proud to find it and offer my support?

 Now if you didn't know, now you know...

To see more did you know that trivia click here

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