Did You Know This

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Did you know that the story of Twitter is being turned into a TV show?

Did you know that because of a a company called Odeo and their brain-storming competition led to the birth of Twitter?

Twitter's first ever homepage.
Did you know that this was Twitter's first ever homepage and it opened to the public on July 15, 2006?

Founding member Dom Sagolla
Did you know that Twitter was created on a playground. Founding team member Dom Sagolla says the group went on the top of a slide at a playground in South Park, and Jack Dorsey discussed an "idea so simple that you don't even think about it—you just write?

Did you know that when Twitter began, everyone's first tweet was automated?

Co-founder Jack Dorsey
Did you know that the first tweet published, "Just setting up my twttr." Co-founder Dorsey sent the
first tweet—beating Biz Stone by a minute—on March 21, 2006, at 4:50 p.m. PT?

Did you know that the first tweet now has more than 50,000 retweets?

Katy Perry
Did you know that singer Katy Perry has nearly 67 million followers?

Did you know that HootSuite, a social media
management company, follows 1.6 million accounts?

 Did you know that the second most of any user. @ArabicBest is in the lead; the profile shows it follows 2.4 million accounts?

Did you know that Yougakduan_00, a girl from Japan, who posted a mind-boggling 36,402,262
tweets before Twitter suspended her account, because of the excessive tweeting?

Did you know that YouTube is the most followed brand with 49 million followers?
Twitter's bird is Larry

Did you know that the official name of Twitter's bird is Larry?

Did you know that the Twitter bird is named after legend Larry Bird of the Boston Celtics?

Did you know that Twitter inventors, didn't receiving a slice of the company when it went public in November 2013?

Did you know that Cashtags—ticker symbols accompanied by a dollar sign, like $GE—are used by Wall Street tweeters and those interested in tracking news around stocks?
Twitter's Fail Whale

Did you know that Twitter's Fail Whale—used during periods of Twitter.com downtime in the site'early years—was created by Yiying Lu, an artist who originally made the design for a birthday e-card?

Did you know that Twitter found it on a stock photo site and added it to theirs?

Did you know that the Beluga whale is no longer featured when the site goes down?

Did you know that Twitter was almost called Twitch. Before the team looked at the Oxford English Dictionary. "We found the word Twitter and the definition said a short inconsequential burst of information and that describes exactly what we're doing here." and that is how they finalized the name?

Did you know that Twitter paid a "minuscule" amount for Twitter.com, Dorsey says. Before Twitter purchased the domain in 2006 from someone else, there was nothing going on at the page?

Did you know that ending a tweet with an empty hashtag is called a hangtag, and it's Twitter's version of the mic drop?

Did you know that Dorsey was reportedly brokenhearted when Instagram was sold to Facebook for $1 billion in cash and stock in April 2012 but less than a year later, Twitter scooped up Vine, the video-sharing app, for $30 million?

Did you know that Dorsey hasn't posted to his Instagram account ever since Facebook acquired the service?

Did you know that Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom (@Kevin) has tweeted just one time since August 2012?

Did you know why Twitter's video-sharing app named Vine, was a short for Vignette, which is defined as "a short impressionistic scene?"

Did you know that Vignette is also the name of a photo filter offered by the signature Twitter app?

Add caption
Did you know that Vine limits its videos to six seconds, but Twitter user Will Smidlein once figured exploited a hole in the video app's coding that allowed him to share the ever-viral "Rickroll" YouTube video in its entirety?

Did you know that Vine's logo connects the "V" and "I" in its name in the same way a vine loops and wraps itself around a tree?

Did you know that if you turn Vine's logo upside down, it displays the maximum number of seconds your video can be: 6?

Did you know that while most social networks' most followed users are superstars in the real world, Vine's most followed users are a dozen of your everyday folks?
Nicholas Megalis

Did you know that Nicholas Megalis, who was the first user to post a clip that received 1,000,000 likes?

Did you know that Twitter announced its IPO via a tweet?

Did you know that tweet was sent at 5 p.m. ET on Sept. 12, 2013, @Twitter posted: "We've confidentially submitted an S-1 to the SEC for a planned IPO?

Did you know that that the IPO  tweet now has more than 14,000 retweets?

Did you know that Twitter's stock symbol is TWTR, although some investors thought it was TWTRQ, which belongs to Tweeter's Home Entertainment, a penny stock?

Did you know the confusion in names led to TWTRQ jumping as much as 2,200 percent on Oct. 4, 2013?

Did you know that the stock gave back all of its gains within a couple of days, and the company changed the symbol to THEGQ?

Did you know that it took three years, two months and one day from the first tweet for Twitter to tweet billion?

Did you know that you can find your first ever tweet at First-Tweets.com?

Did you know that @Twitter didn't send its first tweet until the service was 478 days old?

Did that Twitter service sees more than 500 million tweets a day now?

Did you know that three of the five richest people in the world have a verified Twitter account. Bill Gates, Warren Buffett and Larry Ellison have a combined $206.2 billion, according to Forbes, and are all sending 140-character messages?

Did you know that the social networking site has 288 million monthly active users, but the number of registered accounts is much higher. There are more than 2 billion registered Twitter accounts, according to Twopcharts?

Did you know that when users want to manually retweet a tweet, they use the letters "RT" before the post. If the tweet is modified, users type "MT" for "modified tweet?"

Did you know that Twitter has 1 billion fewer monthly active users than Facebook (1.39 billion)?

Did you know that the microblogging service pulled in $1.4 billion in revenue in 2014, compared with $12.47 billion for Facebook?

Did you know that 80% of Twitter's 288 monthly active users access the service on a mobile device?

Twitter's Fourth co-founder Noah Glass
Did you know that Twitter's fourth co-founder Noah Glass was kicked out of the company, according The New York Times. Glass is said to have made almost no money from Twitter's IPO, according to Bilton?

Did you know that Glass has only tweeted five times over the last five years?

Did you know that frequent Twitter users are more likely male and under the age of 35?

Did you know that Facebook tried buying Twitter—twice, according to Bilton, but each time, Twitter pushed the "dislike" button?

Did you know that athletes like Derek Jeter and Michael Jordan don't use Twitter or Facebook?

Did you know that Twitter limits users to 140 characters per post, but in an April Fool's blog post in 2013, the company said it will allow folks to pay for an extra character in a bidding war?
CEO Dick Costolo

Did you know that Twitter CEO Dick Costolo has a 89 percent approval rating by employees on ?

Did you know that The International Space Station has its highest number of tweeting astronauts right now?

Did you know that the Twitter IPO minted 1,600 new millionaires, according to financial analysis firm PrivCo?

Dorsey, Evan
Did you know that there are three billionaires that were created from Twitter's IPO: Dorsey, EvanWilliams and Peter Fenton, a general partner at Benchmark Capital?

Did you know that Twitter reaches more users than any other social network in Japan, comScore says?

Did you know that Twitter or Facebook doesn't work in China, but people in China can access LinkedIn?

Did you know that the cost of a Promoted Trend in the United States for one day is $200,000?

Did you know that Twitter gave the city of Boston a promoted trend (#OneBoston) free of charge after the Boston Marathon bombings in April 2013?

Did you know that Twitter acquired Twitpic just hours before the photo-sharing service was to be shut down in October 2014?

Did you know that the most retweeted tweet ever came from Ellen DeGeneres in March 2014?
President brackObama

Did you know that DeGeneres star-studded selfie tweet at the Oscars
produced 3.4 million retweets?

Did you know that before Ellen's viral tweet, the most retweeted tweet belonged to President @BarackObama on election night in 2012. It had about 800,000 retweets?

Tony La Russa
Did you know that Samsung donated $3 million to charity in honor of Ellen's 3 million retweets, because she used a Samsung smart phone to create Twitter history?

Did you know that Twitter launched verified accounts after former St. Louis Cardinals manager Tony La Russa complained about a user pretending to be him?

Did you know that Mark Zuckerberg has 330,000 followers but has only tweeted 19 times and just once since March 2009?

Did you know that Ashton Kutcher was the first user to hit 1 million followers ?

Did you know that Twitter has 3600 employees and 50 percent of all employees are engineers?

Did you know that Police in Granada have Twitter handles on their uniforms?

Did you know that you can pay for it! Sites like Fiverr offer thousands of retweets from bots for as little as $5a viral tweet? .

Did you know that you can send a friend a Starbucks coffee with a single twee?

Did you know that Apple has more than 12 million Twitter followers when combining the tech giant's several account?

Did you know that Twitter has 15.3 million Facebook fans, while Facebook has 13.9 million Twitter followers.?

Did you know that  Khloe Kardashian pulls in $13,000 per sponsored tweet?

Did you know that Sam Sethi was the first person to announce on Twitter that he had been fired?

Did you know that seven of the 10 most followed accounts belong to singers?
Conan O'Brien and Sarah Killen

Did you know that  Comedian Conan O'Brien follows only one person on Twitter, a fan chosen at random. Her name is Sarah Killen and she's gone to amass over 200,000 followers because of O'Brien's follow?

Did you know that the first blog post ever written about Twitter was by Om Malik of Gigaom on July
Om Malik
15, 2006?

Did you know that it took Twitter more than 16 months to reach the first 600,000 Twitter accounts?

Did you know that Twitter won't allow you to follow more than 2,000 people unless you have 2,000 followers?

Did you know that two teenagers run @HistoryInPics, an account with more than 1.2 million followers?

Did you know that Twitter has a YouTube channel, to which it has posted more than 90 videos?

Did you know that Twitter employees consume 1,440 hard-boiled eggs weekly. The flock also drinks 585 gallons of coffee per week?

Did you know that the story of Twitter is being turned into a TV show?

Women have always held a majority on twitter. This is probably the only genuinely useful bit of information in this article. Hopefully, someone other than ‘Dove’ does something with it.

Idle Users

As we all know, there are plenty of fake and unverified accounts of twitter. There are also 21% of users who have never posted a single post. They must either be the most patient people in the world or the most respectful, considering the general mind-set prevailing on the medium.

Old Is Gold

Surprisingly enough, the fastest growing demographic on twitter is between the ages of 55 to 64. Clearly the pressures of being a part of society and staying relevant has gotten to our grandparents. I can only imagine their poor minds exploding after they hear what the most popular people on twitter have to say.

Surprisingly enough, China has the highest number of twitter accounts in the world with over 35 million people in the country using the medium.

Twitter Ban

Turkey became the latest country to impose a ban on Twitter. Over a dozen countries in the world have already banned or regulate the content being displayed on twitter.

 Now if you didn't know, now you know...

To see more did you know that trivia click here

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