Did You Know This

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Did you know that an electric eel's discharge is strong enough to knock a horse down or even jump a person clear out of the water?

Did you know that the electric eel is known for its remarkable ability to generate powerful electric shocks?

 Did you know that the strongest shock previously recorded for a electric eel was 650 volts.?

Did you know that a new species of electric eel has been discovered, capable of producing the highest voltage discharge of any known animal, reaching up to 860 volts?

Did you know that Electric eels have three electric organs running along their body that contain specialized electrolyte-filled cells called electrocytes?

Did you know that these electrocytes can emit charges by pumping positively charged ions out one side of their cell membranes and negatively charged ions out the other side all at once?

Did you know that when the eel wants to emit a shock, its brain sends a signal that triggers these

electrocytes to fire in sequence, building up power?

Did you know that groups of electrocytes discharge multiple times per second, emitting full force shocks in periodic pulses, causing tetanizing muscle contractions?

Did you know that their volts can be adjusted; small 50V pulses are used to sense prey, while shocks up to 860V are used to stun and capture prey?

Did you know that an electric eel's discharge is strong enough to knock a horse down or even jump a person clear out of the water?

Did you know that their shocks contain high amperage up to 1A in addition to high voltage? 

Did you know that amperes affect the amount of pain and damage done?

Did you know that electric eels mostly emit shocks for defense or predation?

Did you know that electric eels can unintentionally shock threatless animals that get too close?

Did you know that their electrolocation system lets them sense the electrical fields of prey before discharging on them precisely?

Did you know that an Electric eels lack venom and use electricity as their sole weapon for predation and protection?

Now if you didn't know, now you know...            

To see more did you know that trivia click here

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