Did You Know This

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Did you know eight women spoke out publicly against then Sen. Al Franken, claiming he groped or tried to kiss them?

Did you know eight women spoken out publicly against then 
Sen. Al Franken, claiming he groped or tried to kiss them?

  1. Did you know that Leeann Tweeden was the first woman to come forward with allegations of impropriety against Franken?
  2. Did you know that Tweeden, was a female radio host?
  3. Did you know that Tweeded claimed Franken, then a Minnesota’s junior Democratic senator, groped her while she was sleeping aboard a military plane on her way home from a USO tour in 2006?

  4. Did you know that Tweeden had a photo of the alleged incident? 
  5. Did you know that Tweeden claimed Franken
    forcibly kissed her when they were practicing a performance together for troops overseas.
  1. Did you know that Lindsay Menz: Menz accused Franken of groping her while posing for a photo together at the Minnesota State Fair in 2010?
  2. Did you know that Franken apologized to both Tweeden and Menz, acknowledging his behavior and expressing remorse?

Now if you didn't know, 

now you know...                                         

To see more did you know that trivia click here

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