Did You Know This

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Did you know that if a company is out of state but they do business in your state that you can sue that company in your state?

  1. Did you know that pro se is Latin for "on one's own behalf?"
  2. Did you know that in the United States, pro se litigants make up a significant portion of civil cases, often accounting for more than half of all cases in family, housing, and small claims courts?
  3. Did you know that some people choose self-representation because they cannot afford an attorney or believe they can handle their case more effectively than a lawyer?pro%20se%20books
  4. Did you know that if you sue a corporation or LLC that you
    pro%20se%20processmust serve there registered agent?
  5. Did you know that in civil and criminal cases, defendants have a constitutional right to represent themselves?
  6. Did you know that as person who represents himself is known as a "pro se litigant"?
  7. Did you know that Tennessee small claims court maxium lawsuit amount is $24,999?
  8. Did you know that the reasons that most attorney will not take your case because it is not enough money in it for them?
  9. Did you know that if a company is out of state but they do business in your state that you can sue that company in your state?
  10. pro%20seDid you know if you choose to represent yourself in court that you must know the law.
  11. Did you know that they have plenty of literature to help you as a pro se litigant?
Now if you didn't know, now you know...

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