Did You Know This

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Did you know that Myelomaor Kahler is more common in men, and is twice as common in blacks as it is in whites?

Did you know that Myelomaor Kahler's disease was named after Otto Kahler?

Did you know that Myelomaor Kahler, is a cancer of plasma cells, a type of white blood cell normally responsible for the production of antibodies?

Did you know that Myelomaor Kahler collections of abnormal cells accumulate in bones, where they cause bone lesions, and in the bone marrow where they interfere with the production of normal blood cells?

Did you know that most cases of myeloma also feature the production of a paraprotein, an abnormal antibody that can cause kidney problems and interferes with the production of normal antibodies leading to immunodeficiency

Did you know that the disease develops in 1–4 per 100,000 people per year?

Did you know that Myelomaor Kahler is more common in men, and is twice as common in blacks as it is in whites?

Did you know that with conventional treatment, the prognosis is 3–4 years, which may be extended to 5–7 years or longer with advanced treatments?

Did you know that former NFL linebacker Elijah Alexander died after a nearly five-year battle with Myelomaor Kahler, he was 39.?

Now if you didn't know, now you know...

To see more did you know that trivia click here

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