Did You Know This

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Did you know that a soda tax or soft drink tax is a tax or surcharge on soft drinks?

Did you know that in the United States, obesity has been a growing problem and seems to have reached epidemic proportions in the last few year?

Did you know that Soda consumption has been a contributing factor to the obesity epidemic?

Did you know that medical costs related to obesity are about $147 billion a year?

Did you know that  there are currently 33 states that have a sales tax on soft drinks?

Did you know that to counter the problem of children's easy access to soft drinks, in 2005, the American Beverage Association began working to remove soft drink machines from US primary schools (grades 1 to 8), and to replace soft drinks with healthier beverages such as orange juice and milk?

Did you know that High schools would have a 50/50 percent balance of machines dispensing soft drinks and healthier alternatives?.[2]

Did you know that in 2009, the American Heart Association reported that the soft drinks and sugar sweetened beverages are the  number one contributor of added sugars in Americans’ diets?

Did you know that the excessive intake of added sugars, as opposed to naturally occurring sugars, is implicated in the rise in obesity?

Did you know that support for a soda tax has been higher when pollsters say the money will go towards health care?

Did you know that a soda tax or soft drink tax is a tax or surcharge on soft drinks?

Did you know that the main goal of a soda tax is to discourage unhealthy diets and offset the economic costs of obesity?

Did you know that the American Beverage Association, has been lobbying against the creation of soft drink taxes, and to date has raised about $8.67 million dollars. 

Did you know the Proposed benefits of the soda tax include:?

  • To decrease consumption of soft drinks.
  • To generate revenue for relevant health needs: improving diet, increasing physical activity, obesity prevention, nutrition education, advancing healthcare reform, etc.[12]
  • Reduce environmental impacts of soft drink manufacture, distribution and consumption.

Now if you didn't know, now you know...

To see more did you know that trivia click here

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