Did You Know This

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Did you know that Amazon learned of a US Supreme Court ruling where merchants did not have to collect sales tax in states where they did not have physical operations?

Did you know that Twenty years ago, on July 16, 1995, Amazon.com, the 'Earth's Largest Bookstore,' opened its virtual doors to all Web users?

Did you know that Amazon is one of the biggest success stories of the Internet?

Did you know that Amazon employees had to pay for parking?

Did you know that Amazon is headquartered in Seattle, Washington?

Did you know that Amazon learned of a US Supreme Court ruling where merchants did not have to collect sales tax in states where they did not have physical operations?

Did you know some of the original proposed names for the Amazon included Cadabra Inc, MakeItSo.com Awake.com, Browse.com, Bookmall.com, Aard.com, and Relentless.com?

Did you know why Jeff Bezos finally zeroed in on Amazon as the name of his company after pouring through the 'A' section of the dictionary?

Did you know that Bezos chose the letter 'A' because website listings then were arranged alphabetically and therefore a name beginning with an 'A' would appear towards the top, and 'Amazon' because, "This is not only the largest river in the world?

Did you know that the domain name amazon.com was registered on November 1, 1994?

Did you know that Amazon has a building named after its first customer, John Wainwright, who on April 3, 1995 (much before the site opened to the general public) purchased Fluid Concepts And Creative Analogies: Computer Models Of The Fundamental Mechanisms Of Thought by Douglas Hofstadter for $27.95?

Did you know that in beginning Amazon held no inventory, o whenever a customer bought a book,

Amazon themselves ordered it and when the book would arrive Amazon would ship it off to the customer?

Did you know that the original Kindle was nicknamed Fiona, based on a character from Neal Stephenson's The Diamond Age?

Did you know that Amazon didn't advertise on television for seven years from 2000 to 2007 and resumed TV ads only with introduction of the Kindle?

Did you know that as the development of the Kindle was taken so long, that Amazon discovered that one of its Taiwanese suppliers had discontinued making a key component in the wireless module and the company had to spend time and money finding a replacement for that part?

Did you know that when Amazon launched Amazon Web Services, it kept the rates low to avoid repeating "Steve Jobs's mistake" of pricing the iPhone with a huge profit margin that very soon led in influx of competition into the smartphone market?

Did you know that ever since its president and COO Joe Galli quit Amazon in 2000, the company hasn't designated anyone as a President or a COO?

Did you know that Amazon's was sued by rival Barnes & Noble alleging that Amazon was falsely advertising itself to be the 'Earth's Largest Bookstore?

Did you know that Amazon reported its first profitable quarter only in January 2002, almost seven years after it launched and that too a meagre $5 million?

Did you know that Amazon launched A9.com as a search engine to combat Google but the search engine at A9.com was a failure and was shut down?.

Now if you didn't know, now you know...                                         

To see more did you know that trivia click here

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