Did you know that Internationally, there are over 3,300 Papa John's establishments, including over 2,600 in the U.S. and more than 500 in over 30 other countries?
Did You know that John Schnatter is the founder of Papa John's?
Did you know that In 1984, he sold his car (a 1971 Chevrolet Camaro Z28) to buy out the other owner of the bar, and started serving pizza to customers?
Did you know that in 2009 Schnatter paid Jeffrey Robinson of Flatwoods, Ky. $250,000 reward for returning his beloved '71 Camaro?
Did you know that in 1997, Pizza Hut filed suit against Papa John's based on a series of advertisements that compared the ingredients of Papa John's and its competitors? 
Did you know that Papa John's International is a publicly traded company, with 30% of shares owned by John Schnatter?
Did you know that Papa John's became one of the first major pizza chains to include a dipping sauce with every original crust or square pan pizza, as well as a Peperoncini pepper, a traditional Italian garnish? Did you know that in August 2010 Papa John's Corporate signed a mutable year deal with the National Football League (NFL) and NBC - to be their official sponsor; therefore, making Sunday Night Football as pizza and football night in America?

Now if you didn't know, now you know...
Did you know that a ambidextrous person is a man or woman who can use both hands equally well?
Did you know that people that are naturally ambidextrous are rare, with only one out of one hundred people being naturally ambidextrous?
Did you know that in modern times, it is more common to find people considered ambidextrous who were originally
left handed and who learned to be ambidextrous either deliberately or during
childhood institutions such as
schools where right-handed habits are often emphasized or required?
Did you know that since many everyday devices (such as
can openers and
scissors) are asymmetrical and designed for right-handed people, many left-handers learn to use them right-handedly due to the rarity or lack of left-handed models?

Did you know that left-handed people are much more likely to develop motor skills in their non-dominant hand than right-handers?
Did you know that right-handers may become ambidextrous due to an injury of their right hand or arm?
Did you know that Ambidexterity is often encouraged in activities requiring a great deal of skill in both hands, such as
keyboard music,
martial arts and
Did you know that in
Manny Pacquiao has a southpaw stance on the ring even though he is really right-handed outside the ring?
Did you know in
tennis players
Luke Jensen and
Maria Sharapova are ambidextrous?
Did you know that some players find cross-dominance advantageous in
golf, especially if a left-handed player utilizes right-handed clubs.?
Did you know that in
Mac O'Grady was a touring pro who played right-handed, yet could play "scratch" (no handicap) golf left-handed. He lobbied the USGA for years to be certified as an amateur "lefty" and a pro "righty" to no avail?
Did you know that being a natural left-hander but play golf right-handed is known as
cross-dominance or mixed-
Did you know that in
basketball the player may choose to make a pass or shot with the weaker hand. NBA stars
David Lee,
Derrick Rose,
Andrew Bogut and
Michael Beasley, are ambidextrous players?
Did you know that brothers
Marc Gasol and
Pau Gasol can make hook shots with both right and left hand while both their dominant hand is right?
Did you know that
Candace Parker, forward for the WNBA Sparks team, also has equal dominance with both hands?
Did you know that ice hockey player, goaltender
Bill Durnan, was nicknamed "Dr. Strangeglove" for his ability to catch the puck with either hand?
This feat won him the
Vezina Trophy, then for the
National Hockey League's goalie with the lowest goals-against average, six times out of only seven seasons.
Did you know that many modern small arms employ ambidextrous design to accommodate both the right- and left-handed operator?
Did you know that this is advantageous for marketing the weapon to military or law enforcement units because the weapons are distributed in a large scale, eliminates the need for training left-handed operators to adapt to a right-handed weapon?

Now if you didn't know, now you know...
To see more did you know that trivia
click here
Did you know that a mother-of-four was left bedbound for six months because of her N cup breasts had made it impossible to move?
Did you know that Julia Manihuari's had to have an operation to remove two-and-a-half stone of flesh from her chest?
Did you know that Manihuari said that her breast were so big that they were were touching her legs?
Did you know that Manihuari, 29, said that her N cup breast were so heavy that when she would try to get up she would get light headed and faint?
Did you know that local media help and paid for her to take a three-day boat journey to the nearest town to seek medical help?
Did you know that Doctors at the Loayza Archbishop Hospital were worried the weight of her chest could crush her lungs and kill her?
Did you now that the doctors reduced Manihuari chest from a N cup to a 34B cup, in a six-hour operation?
Now if you didn't know, now you know...
Did you know that Gigantism is abnormally large growth due to an excess of growth hormone during childhood, before the bone growth plates have closed?
Did you know that the most common cause of too much growth hormone release is a noncancerous (benign) tumor of the pituitary gland?
Did you know that Gigantism is also caused by?
Carney complex
Did you know that if excess growth hormone occurs after normal bone growth has stopped, the condition is known as Acromegaly?
Did you know that Gigantism is very rare?
Did you know that with Gigantism the child will grow in height, as well as in the muscles and organs?
Other symptoms include:
Delayed puberty
Double vision or difficulty with side (peripheral) vision
Increased sweating
Irregular periods (menstruation)
Large hands and feet with thick fingers and toes
Release of breast milk
Thickening of the facial features
Did you know to treat Gigantism surgery is the treatment of choice and can cure many cases?
Did you know that in situations in which surgery cannot completely remove the tumor, medication is the treatment of choice?
Did you know that the most effective medications are somatostatin analogs (such as octreotide or long-acting lanreotide), which reduce growth hormone release?
Dopamine agonists (bromocriptine mesylate, cabergoline) have also been used to reduce growth hormone release, but these are generally less effective. Pegvisomant, a medication that blocks the effect of growth hormone, may be used.Did you know that radiation therapy has also been used to bring growth hormone levels to normal, however, it can take 5 - 10 years for the full effects to be seen and almost always leads to low levels of other pituitary hormones?
Did you know that radiation has also been linked to learning disabilities, obesity, and emotional changes in children?
Did you know that most experts will use radiation only if surgery and medication fail?
Did you know that Pituitary surgery is usually successful in limiting growth hormone production.?
Did you know that surgery and radiation can both lead to low levels of other pituitary hormones, which can cause:
Now if you didn't know, now you know...
Damage to the
dorsomedial nucleus or
anterior group of the
thalamus (limbic-specific nuclei) is also associated with this disorder?
Did you know that vitamin deficiency help increase the effects Korsakoff's syndrome?
Did you know that chronic
alcoholism and severe
malnutrition also increase the chance that one might develope Korsakoff's syndrome?
Did you know that m
ercury poisoning can also lead to Korsakoff's syndrome?
Did you know that
centipede (
mukade) bites in Japan also cause Korsakoff's syndrome?
There is no specific treatment because the previous thiamine deficiency produces irreversible damage to the medial thalamic nuclei and
mammillary bodies. Mammillary body atrophy may be visible on high-resolution MRI.
Did you know that the most effective method of preventing Korsakoff's syndrome is to avoid B vitamin/thiamine deficiency?
Did you know that in Western nations the most common causes of such deficiency are alcoholism and weight disorders?
Did you know that in the U.S., government mandates to adding thiamine to alcoholic beverages have been blocked for this reason and also by political groups asserting that such supplementation would encourage alcohol use.?
Did you know that
Bobby Meide, a drummer for longstanding local rock band the Flamin' Ohs, passed away from Korsakoff's syndrome?
1950 - 2010.)

Now if you didn't know, now you know...
Did you know that Parcel Post is a service offered by the United States Postal Service (USPS) as an "affordable and
reliable option for packages?
Did you Parcel Post offers a lower-cost option for shipping items that are not eligible for First Class Mail delivery?
Did you know that Parcel Post is for heavier items that do not need to be delivered within the two-to-three-business-day window Priority Mail offers, Parcel Post provides a substantial savings in the cost of postage?Did you know that any item that weighs over 13 oz is not eligible for First Class Mail shipping through the USPS and must be shipped via Priority Mail?Did you know that Parcel Post eligible items include anything mailable by the USPS?
Did you know that collectibles, toys, household goods, clothing, shoes and small pieces of exercise equipment are all examples of items eligible for shipping via Parcel Post?
Did you know that books, videos and music are also eligible for Parcel Post shipping but are more economically shipped via Media Mail?
Did you know that packages sent through the USPS via Parcel Post can measure up to 130 inches in combined length and girth and this is the largest package size allowed by the USPS.?
Did you know that a Parcel Post package that has a combined length and girth of greater than 108 inches but less than 130 inches has postage assessed at an oversized price instead of at the standard Parcel Post rate?
Did you know that Parcel Post is a cost-effective shipping option when the item shipped via Parcel Post weighed up to a USPS maximum allowed weight of 70 lbs?
Did you know that a surcharge is assessed when the package weight exceeds the 35-lb level?
Did you know that packages without a standard mailing or rectangular shape are eligible for Parcel Post shipping?
Now if you didn't know, now you know...