Did you know that Parcel Post is a service offered by the United States Postal Service (USPS) as an "affordable and reliable option for packages?
Did you Parcel Post offers a lower-cost option for shipping items that are not eligible for First Class Mail delivery?Did you know that Parcel Post is for heavier items that do not need to be delivered within the two-to-three-business-day window Priority Mail offers, Parcel Post provides a substantial savings in the cost of postage?Did you know that any item that weighs over 13 oz is not eligible for First Class Mail shipping through the USPS and must be shipped via Priority Mail?Did you know that Parcel Post eligible items include anything mailable by the USPS?
Did you know that collectibles, toys, household goods, clothing, shoes and small pieces of exercise equipment are all examples of items eligible for shipping via Parcel Post?

Did you know that packages sent through the USPS via Parcel Post can measure up to 130 inches in combined length and girth and this is the largest package size allowed by the USPS.?
Did you know that a Parcel Post package that has a combined length and girth of greater than 108 inches but less than 130 inches has postage assessed at an oversized price instead of at the standard Parcel Post rate?
- Did you know that Parcel Post is a cost-effective shipping option when the item shipped via Parcel Post weighed up to a USPS maximum allowed weight of 70 lbs?Did you know that a surcharge is assessed when the package weight exceeds the 35-lb level?
Did you know that packages without a standard mailing or rectangular shape are eligible for Parcel Post shipping?
Did you know that mailers such as tubes and rolls as well as other irregular sized parcels that are not 26 inches or more on their longest size are assessed an additional surcharge because they are considered non-machineable?
Did you know that Parcel Post is typically delivered within two to nine days within the lower 48 states though the size of a package or the final destination can alter this delivery time frame?
Now if you didn't know, now you know...
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